作者:JK罗琳      更新:2020-08-12 11:37      字数:2935
  - - they plunged even deeper, passing an underground lake where

  huge stalad stalagmites grew from the d floor.

  i never know,” harry called to hagrid over the he cart,

  ”whats the differealagmite and a stalactite?”

  ”stalagmites got an m in it,” said hagrid. ”an don ask me

  questions just now, i think im gonna be sick.”

  he did lreehe cart stopped at last beside

  a small door in the passage wall, hagrid got out and had to lean

  agaio stop his krembling.

  griphook uhe door. a lot of green smoke came billowing

  out, and as it cleared, harry gasped. inside were mounds of gold

  ns of silver. heaps of little bros.

  ”all yours,” smiled hagrid.

  all harrys -- it was ihe dursleys t

  have known about this or theyd have had it from him faster than

  blinking. how often had they plained how much harry

  to keep? ahere had been a small fortune belonging

  to him, buried deep under london.

  hagrid helped harry pile some of it into a bag.

  ”the gold alleons,” he explaieen silver

  sickles to a galleoy-o a sickle, its easy

  enht, that should be enough fer a couple o terms, well

  keep the rest safe for yeh.” he turo griphook. ”vault seven

  huhirteen now, please, and ore slowly?”

  ”one speed only,” said griphook.

  they were going even deeper now and gatherihe air

  became d colder as they hurtled round tight ers. they

  went rattling over an underground ravine, and harry leaned over

  the side to try to see tom, but hagrid

  groaned and pulled him back by the scruff of his neck.

  vault sevehirteen had no keyhole.

  ”stand back,” said griphook importaroked the door

  gently with one of his lo simply melted away.

  ”if a a gringotts gobliheyd be sucked

  through the door ahere,” said griphook.

  ”how often do you check to see if anyones inside?” harry asked.

  ”about oen years,” said griphook with a rather

  nasty grin.

  somethiraordinary had to be iop security

  vault, harry was sure, and he leaned ferly, expeg to

  see fabulous jewels at the very least -- but at first he thought

  it ty. theiced a grubby little package

  in br on the flrid picked it up and tucked

  it deep i. harry loo knoas, but knew

  better than to ask.

  ”e on, ba this i, and dont talk to me on

  the way back, its best if i keep me mouth shut,” said hagrid.

  one wild cart ride later they stood blinki

  otts. harry didnt ko run first now that he

  had a bag full of money. he didnt have to know how many galleons

  there ound to know that he was holdihan

  hed had in his whole life -- more mohan even dudley had

  ever had.

  ”might as well get yer uniform,” said hagrid, nodding toward

  madam malkins robes for all os. ”listen, harry, would yeh

  mind if i slipped off fer a pick-me-up in the leaky ? i

  hate them gringotts carts.” he did still look a bit sick, so harry

  entered madam malkins shop alone, feeling nervous.

  madam malkin was a squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve.

  ”hogwarts, clear?” she said, when harry started to speak. ”got

  the lot here -- an maed up just now, in

  fact. ”

  in the back of the shop, a boy ointed face was

  standing on a footstool while a sed wited up his long black

  robes. madam malkin stood harry on a stool o him) slipped a

  long robe over his head, ao pin it tth.

  ”hello,” said the boy, ”hogwarts, too?”

  ”yes,” said harry.

  ”my fathers d my books and mothers up the

  street looking at wands,” said the boy. he had a b

  voi i