Gacela of Unforseen Love
作者:加西亚·洛尔迦      更新:2020-03-12 21:56      字数:2008
  no one understood the perfume

  of the dark magnolia of your womb.

  nobody kne you tormented

  a eeth.

  a ttle horses fell asleep

  in th moon of your forehead,

  ws i embraced

  your , enemy of the snow.

  beter and jasmins, your glance

  was a pale branch of seeds.

  i soug to give you

  tters t say “siempre“,

  “siempre“, “siempre“ : garden of my agony,

  your body elusive always,

  t blood of your veins in my mouth,

  your moutless for my death.