Landscape of a Vomiting Multitude
作者:加西亚·洛尔迦      更新:2020-03-12 21:56      字数:5284
  t lady came out first,

  tearing out roots and moistening drumskins.

  t lady

  opuses inside out.

  t lady, tagonist,

  reets and deserted buildings

  and leaving tiny skulls of pigeons in the coers

  and stirring up t centuries feasts

  and summoning t hills

  and filtering a longing for ligo subterranean tunnels.

  the graveyards

  and tchens buried in sand,

  ts and apples of another era,

  pus into our t.


  y wax children,

  ed trees and tireless ers

  beneath harps of saliva.

  t! ther way.

  its not t of s of their whores,

  nor t of cats t inadvertently swallowed frogs,

  but tch clay hands

  on flint gates ws decay.

  t lady came first

  aves, and parks.

  vomit ely ss drums

  among a fetle girls of blood


  ho could imagine my sadness?

  t no me,

  trembling for alcohol

  and launching incredible ships

  the piers.

  i protect myself his look

  t flows from waves where no dawn would go,

  i, poet arms, lost

  in ting multitude,

  o shear


  t lady first

  and t looking for pharmacies

  ropics could be found.

  only dogs arrived

  did tire city ruso the boardwalk.